Admitted as Solicitor


Called to the Bar


Self Rumbewas appears in criminal and civil matters. This includes jury and judge alone trials, as well as coronial inquests and tribunal hearings.

As a highly experienced advocate with a proven track record of success, he is known for meticulous preparation and his ability to identify legal issues early, and strategising customised solutions for his client’s legal problems.

Self is committed to providing his clients with high quality legal representation and seeking the best possible outcome.

Submit your query to Self via the clerk of chambers at

Providing Guidance In

Common Law

Intentional Torts

Criminal Law

Criminal Law, Criminal Appeals

Inquests & Inquiries

Commissions, Inquests & Inquiries

Public & Administrative Law

Administrative Law, Civil & Human Rights, Disciplinary Proceedings

Member of
  • NSW Bar Association
  • Law Council of Australia
  • Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR)
Please Contact

Eleanor Tjhin (Junior Clerk)
Adam Hussain (Junior Clerk)


Black Chambers
Wallamulla, Gadigal Country
Suite 204, Level 2
185 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000